
Showing posts from May, 2019


Marimo Moss Balls are one of our very favorite plant discoveries of the last few years.  Marimo, a Japanese word which literally translates to “seaweed ball” is not a moss at all - they’re actually a rare form of spherical algae. There’s no central stone inside the sphere - it’s solid algae, radiating from the center, growing radially outward at the snail’s pace of just 5mm per year. But in their natural habitats - few freshwater lakes in Japan, Estonia, Iceland, Scotland, and Australia - they’ve been known to grow to between 8 and 12 inches in diameter! Another reason to love Marimo moss balls is beautiful lore that surrounds these mysterious aquatics. Legend tells of two lovers who desired nothing more than to be together. When their love was forbidden, they fell into the water, and their hearts became Marimo balls. Marimo is said to bring your heart’s desire to both giver and receiver. And of course, we love Marimo because they live forever. Well, not for...